Corporate Musclecast
Exploring the Hustle in Business, Performance, Health & Fitness.Hosted by Trent Daniel & David Andrews, best mates & corporate professionals from Australia. With diverse backgrounds in management consulting, banking, finance, fintech, and entrepreneurship; as well as physique sports, powerlifting, & fitness. Dave & Trent take a conversational approach to explore the Hustle, covering topics that are timely and relevant to the world we find ourselves living in today.
Corporate Musclecast
AustPost Cartier Watches, US Presidential Election, & Queensland State Election
Trent Daniel & David Andrews
Season 1
Episode 9
Tonight's whisky tasting is Hochstadter’s Slow & Low Rock and Rye, providing a flashback of teenage years drinking Southern Comfort!
A quick midweek download with Dave on the state of both Australian politics this last week with the Queensland State elections, and the heavily contested US elections.
A special mention to Aussie economics professor Justin Wolfers, facing into a position under s Democratic win this week.
Whiskey Review: Hochstadter’s Slow & Low Rock and Rye
Justin Wolfers Economic Professor at University of Michigan, an Aussie face pipped to take a seat in US politics, LinkedIn
You can find Dave at:
Instagram: @DavidAndrewsSSC
LinkedIn: David Andrews
You can find Trent at:
LinkedIn: Trent J Daniel