Corporate Musclecast
Exploring the Hustle in Business, Performance, Health & Fitness.Hosted by Trent Daniel & David Andrews, best mates & corporate professionals from Australia. With diverse backgrounds in management consulting, banking, finance, fintech, and entrepreneurship; as well as physique sports, powerlifting, & fitness. Dave & Trent take a conversational approach to explore the Hustle, covering topics that are timely and relevant to the world we find ourselves living in today.
Corporate Musclecast
Coronapocalypse, early access to retirement funds, debt & the future
Trent Daniel
Season 1
Episode 4
Deviating from the theme around the Hustle, in this episode Dave and Trent discuss the strategy and impact of the Australian government's covid19 relief in the form of allowing early withdrawal from superannuation for eligible citizens.
(Full list of eligibility criteria found here: https://www.ato.gov.au/individuals/super/in-detail/withdrawing-and-using-your-super/covid-19-early-release-of-super/#Eligibility)
Recorded early in August, we discuss some of the unexpected outcomes during the pandemic - including the significant reduction in national credit card debt levels, and explore a small-business case study with positive outcomes that would have been otherwise unachievable were it not for this relief program.